Sunday 13 March 2016

What is comedogenic? What actually clogs pores?

Comedogenic or Non-comedogenic are often used to described moisturisers that block or don't block pores. Saying that it doesn't have to be proven thus could be put on any product regardless. The misconception is that all oils block or clog pores... which they don't, in fact there is no point for going oil free as oil does have many benefits.

What does block pores?

The main things I'd recormend avoiding are butters such as shea, cocoa, seed and parkii butter in moisturisers, but if you have dry skin these are generally fine in cleansers most of the time. Avoid using body or hand creams on your face as they contain things like la
nolin which is great for the body but will definitely break you out.

For a longer list check this out: although but it isn't always accurate.

Print it out or keep it on your phone so you can quickly check ingredients when you're out shopping.

Also use this search for ingredients: as its much more accurate.

If in doubt just google it as some ingredients have multiple names.

Easy way to avoid pore blocking ingredients? Use a facial oil.

Here's an example of one I like to use:

Waitrose Pure Facial Oil £3
Its first ingredient is isopropyl myristate and if you read the list above your'll probably thinking its comedogenic. The problem with that is its based on evidence of animal testing which its all that accurate for humans[1] and I find its fine. The second ingredient is almond oil: this is great if you're suffering with breaking to avoid scarring as it helps the skin to heal [2]. The rest of the ingredients are great emollients that leave your skin hydrated.

A few drops of a facial oil is best for use as a night moisturiser as they do leave your facing looking shiny. This facial oil is great as it's cheap yet more than worth it as I feel its more affective and less blocking than most night creams. It's great for sensitive skin or alongside drying ore irritating products and its easy to use for a quick facial massage.